Stationsstraat 29, 5038 EC Tilburg / 0031 - (0)13 220 1600
Stationsstraat 29, 5038 EC Tilburg / 0031 - (0)13 220 1600
In the next release of the Bumbal drivers APP an integrated Mapbox navigation will be available. This navigation option will appear as a choice in the settings. You can then still choose your favorite navigation such as Google Maps, Apple Maps or Sygic, but also Mapbox.
This new navigation option offers a number of major advantages compared to the well-known standard navigation APP. First, the tracking is guaranteed to work, which isn’t always the case with an external navigation like Google Maps. It is possible that your phone’s settings prevent the tracking from always working as it should. If you do not actively use the navigation, it disappears into the background and as a result the tracking may (temporarily) stop. This can then create gaps in the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) calculations that Bumbal performs for the planner or customer. In most cases this is not a disaster. The remote navigation will be updated again if it is active. But if the customer requests an ETA update just when the external navigation is not active, it may result in different ETA times. So if you want to prevent this, the Mapbox navigation offers a solution.
Second, you can enter the dimensions of a vehicle in Mapbox. Bumbal algorithm calculates the routes based on vehicle dimensions. This means that, for example, a truck is not sent under a low bridge or tunnel. This is not possible in most standard navigation tools on your Smartphone or Tablet. They show the route for a standard car or van. If you drive an elevated van/boxtruck or a truck-trailer, this can sometimes lead to problems. This can be prevented with Mapbox’s integrated navigation. So that’s a nice bonus. Finally, another advantage is that the Bumbal team can develop functionalities themselves on the integrated Mapbox navigation. This will provide even more user-friendliness in the future.
If you want to know more about the integrated Mapbox navigation, please contact Bas Holland – for extra (online) explanation or a non-binding demo or call 013-220600. Or fill in the contact form at